Barrow and Outerside

Date                   05/07/2003      
Walk done by:  Jed  

Barrow is "the shivering mountain" of Lakeland

Outerside: In less distinctive company it would attract much attention. As it is, visitors rarely tread its pleasant summit

Alfred Wainwright

Weather: Warm but overcast. Improving throughout the day    
Distance 5.5 miles    


Barrow 1492'    
Outerside 1863'      


Barrow from near Braithwaite. 


Grisedale  Pike from Barrow's lower slopes


The steep path up Barrow


Catbells from Barrow


Barrow Summit with Causey Pike behind


Looking to Outerside


Derwentwater and Keswick


Barrow from Barrow Door 


Looking back to Barrow from the path to Outerside


The path up to Coledale Hause


Derwentwater from Outerside Summit


Force Crag Mine from Outerside 


Looking back to Barrow


Looking down the ridge to Stile End.


The view back to Outerside.


The view back to Outerside, this time with Crag Hill behind it

Braithwaite from Stile End


The last decline to Braithwaite